Certified Medical Coding Review

The Certified Professional Coder (CPC) credential is the gold standard for medical coding. Through rigorous examination and experience, certified CPCs have proven mastery of all code sets (CPT, ICD-9 and 10, HCPCS Level II), evaluation and management principles, and documentation guidelines. They are proficient across a wide range of services, including evaluation and management, anesthesia, surgery, radiology, pathology and medicine. CPCs are knowledgeable of anatomy, physiology and medical terminology necessary to correctly code the services being reviewed.

Signet provides Certified Professional Coders with extensive experience in coding, fees, and compliance that produce an itemized, line by line report which outlines the billing being reviewed and what the correct billing and reimbursement should be. The rational is supported by the fee schedules and guidelines being used. Once a file is reviewed, our certified coders are available to testify to support their report.

Medical Coding Reviews can also be used as a secondary defense of Peer Reviews.

Signet tracks the outcomes in court and arbitration to keep up to date with any new trends and creative coding issues.

Signet maintains contact with appropriate agencies for clarification of coding issues such as the Department of Health, Department of Financial Services, The New York Workers Compensation Board and the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance.